My Goal

First before you look through my blog, I would like to tell you about my goal for this blog is. I want to show others that it is not that hard to get through bad situations eve with a crappy past and even when you're having that time in your life where it just sucks! Also in this blog I explain different futures of fashion and art. I want young teens and maybe older to see how or where they fit in if wanting to go into fashion, design, and or art! I also have the opportunity to share a couple of cool subjects about what new hairstyles are in, what's in fashion and how it can be accessible to you!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Design your Dream!

This is what you could be designing at the Art Institutes, where ever they might be that you may choose! Like me I chose Seattle, Washington! If this is for you PLEASE. . . vist! 

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